• Zoe Tuck leaning on her side on a grey couch spooning her dog Peach.

    Zoe Tuck

    Zoe Tuck was born in Texas, became a person in California, and now lives in Western Massachusetts with her partner, Britt, and their dog, Peach. She is the author of Bedroom Vowel (BUNNY Presse, 2023) and Terror Matrix (Timeless, Infinite Light, 2014), in addition to the chapbooks The Book of Bella (Doublecross Press), bound in a dos-a-dos edition with Emily Hunerwadel's Peach Woman, and Vape Cloud of Unknowing (Belladonna* Collaborative). She co-edits Hot Pink Magazine with Emily Bark Brown. She teaches creative writing and literature classes through Threshold Academy and elsewhere.

  • Photo of Sara Larsen with sunglasses on her head, facing the camera. She is wearing a blue jacket and shirt and sitting in front of some foliage and an old stone wall.

    Sara Larsen

    Sara Larsen is a poet. Her newest book, Detonated Mirror, was just released from The Elephants Press in 2023. She's also the author of The Riot Grrrl Thing (Roof Books), Merry Hell (Atelos Press), and All Revolutions Will Be Fabulous (Printing Press), as well as several chapbooks. Larsen was a recipient of a Research Grant for non-German Literature from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, and just recently returned to the US after a time abroad. Poems have appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, Castle Grayskull, Elderly, NEW: The Journal of American Poetry, and Nouvelle poésie des États-Unis : Nioques, as well as others. More info can be found at www.saralarsenpoet.com

  • Image of Ahana standing with one arm on their hip and the other gesturing towards a plot of flowers.

    Ahana Ganguly

    Ahana Ganguly works primarily in prose poetry, the essay, and crochet. They are the submissions editor at Futurepoem Books. Read Ahana's writing in the Michigan Quarterly Review, Provincetown Arts Magazine, Solar Journal, and elsewhere.

  • Callum Angus

    Callum Angus is a writer, editor, and literary organizer who believes publishing can still have a soul and make a difference in the world. He is publisher of smoke and mold, a literary journal invested in the narrative possibilities trans lives bring to our changing nature-culture. Cal taught creative writing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Smith College before leaving the east coast for Portland, Oregon, where he can be found teaching at the Independent Publishing Resource Center, Tin House, community colleges, in your computer, and sometimes outside, encouraging writers to think of creative growth as a process of change and decay. He is the author of the story collection A Natural History of Transition (Metonymy Press), which was a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award, the Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction, and an Oregon Book Award. His work has appeared in Joyland, Orion, Nat. Brut, and many other venues, and he has received fellowships and residencies from Lambda Literary, the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, and the Sitka Center for Art & Ecology. His nonfiction chapbook CATARACT is forthcoming from Fonograf Editions.

  • Laura S. Marshall

    Laura S. Marshall (she/they) is a poet, educator, and former linguist. Their poetry and fiction appear in Bennington Review, The Normal School, juked, South Dakota Review, Okay Donkey, Lunch Ticket, 8 Poems, and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction, and longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions. She earned her MFA in poetry at UMass Amherst and lives outside Albany, NY, with her spouse, their cats, and far too many books. They have served as a guest editor for Trestle Ties and a special features editor for jubilat. Connect with Laura at lsmarshall.com.

  • Elle Longpre

    Elle Longpre (she/they) is a musician and author of the book How to Keep You Alive (CCM 2017), as well as five chapbooks from Belladonna*, Les Ecrits 9, The Lune, Awst, and Monkey Puzzle. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in DREGINALD, jubilat, la vague, blush lit, Volta, elimae, the Denver Quarterly, and other publications. Elle has taught creative writing classes at The University of Denver, the Naropa Summer Writing Program, The Jack Kerouac School, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, Putney Summer Programs, and Four Queens Divination. They earned their PhD at the University of Denver and live in Massachusetts, and can be found in the woods.